After yesterday verify , if versions are correct in all branches.
Today I after new builds of jwrdegoede , I started to check the
packages that was removed and add to repos, I checked since F16 to F26
(rawhide), and now I found some issues , see file in attach, we got
some strange results, basically forgotten packages ...
The top of strange, is:
- xine-ui
koji -c /etc/koji/rpmfusion-config list-pkgs --package xine-ui
only on F23 and F24 !
ans is not in pkgdb
- dega-sdl is not published since f22, but built on koji
- Packages like acoustid-fingerprinter, jad , unace , are missing since
f22 ...
I will check all packages in this list, if they are marked as orphan ,
and have dead.package in cgit , I will send another list with what is
not correct.
Best regards,
Sérgio M. B.