Le mer. 9 févr. 2022 à 16:10, Kevin Kofler via rpmfusion-developers
<rpmfusion-developers(a)lists.rpmfusion.org> a écrit :
Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
> There is a consensus to have a compat-ffmpeg4 package starting with
> ffmpeg 4.3.x (rather than 4.4.x for compatibility reason with one or
> another package preferring that version), then later go to
> ffmpeg-4.4.x when possible.
Don't we have everything in RPM Fusion building against 4.4 already? Why go
qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld should build fine both with 4.3 and with 4.4. Not
with 5.0 though.
I could also switch qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld to bundled FFmpeg though.
Shall I do this for now, until the compat package is ready? Or is bundled
even entirely preferred over using the compat package?
Well, the problem when it comes to ffmpeg and libraries is that you
can easily pick the "wrong" ffmpeg.
Say we have an obs-studio built with ffmpeg-5 and let's assume it also
uses qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld that can only use the ffmpeg-4.4.
Then we will build a process that can only crash with symbol miss-matches.
Bundling ffmpeg might help to avoid this kind of error with the hope
it doesn't need to last after f36 GA.