>>>> Valent Turkovic writes:
I can't wait for XBMC to be available in RPM Fusion! I wasn't
that you guys already started making XBMC packages for Fedora. Can
you please share your thought regarding this discussion on XBMC forum:
The review request for RPM Fusion is here:
Are there some benefits if XBMC guys would split XBMC code in
code that could be packaged for Fedora repos and "bad/ugly" code for
RPM Fusion?
Very unlikely unless upstream XBMC radically changes the way that it
integrates and distributes codecs. XBMC relies heavily on ffmpeg, not
gstreamer, for audio/video codecs, and ffmpeg upstream (AFAICT) isn't
very amenable to splitting into a "good" and "bad" for issues like
software patents.
I faced the same issue with picard, which relies on ffmpeg for acoustic
fingerprinting. I had to compile picard on Fedora without acoustic
fingerprinting support and then compile the ffmpeg version on RPM Fusion
and distribute one single shared library file. It's a pain to keep them
in sync, but it can be done fairly easily in this case because picard is
a very small package and it can function without acoustic
This won't work with XBMC, because it's effectively useless without
ffmpeg, at least for video, AFAIK. So unless somebody can recommend how
to split this up and it actually makes XBMC useful without any
ffmpeg-enabled (or other problematic codecs) bits, then this will
probably stay in RPM Fusion.