On 02/04/2011 02:18 AM, Patrice wrote:
My name is Patrice Ferlet, aka Metal3d. I'm a Linux lover and Fedora fan since 2005.
I use Linux since 1999 and I'm 30.
I'm sysadmin, developper and I manage my own servers for my projects. I develop some
tools (whichrocks, merisier, wikipdfizer...) in Python, C, Perl or PHP...
I'm an old #fedora-fr member on irc (freenode) where we can see pingou or kwizart, or
Remi :)
Nice to meet you.
I'm from France, Lyon, and I try to be sponsored for some package
on fedora (but it takes a loooonnngg time).
Hmm, maybe I can help (I'm a sponsor) do you have a review bugzilla for a package(s)
you're trying to get into
Fedora ?
I'm currently packaging "LiVES", that I can purpose for
rpmfusion-free (needs mjpegtools that's only in rpmfusion repositories)
I will put my spec and src.rpm on my server... when I correct some problems I see (bad
syminks and rpath...)