I am unable to initiate a build with koji:
$ rfpkg build --nowait
You might want to run rpmfusion-packager-setup or rpmfusion-cert -n to regenerate SSL
certificate. For more info see
Could not execute build: Could not auth with koji. Login failed: 'ca'
It is odd that the login is 'ca'. My FAS account name is kni and it is set
correctly in .rpmfusion.user
I've regenerated a new cert multiple times, using rpmfusion-cert and doing it the old
way. Doesn't help.
Here is the output of rpmfusion-cert:
$ rpmfusion-cert -v
Verifying Certificate
cert expires: 2021-08-25
We haven't crl.pem (
https://admin.rpmfusion.org/accounts/ca/crl.pem) to check
revocation list
That url returns HTTP 404 by the way.
It is difficult to tell if the error is on my side or with koji. Looking for some advice.