On 5/21/09 10:48 AM, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
- we can test drpms
- we can push things like sdlmame-0132-0.2.0131u2 (which will never make
it to the stable updates repos) to the testing repos for F11
- packagers can decide on their own where the packages they build head to:
- build in devel/ -> package lands in the Everything repos for F-11 later
- build in the F-11/ branch -> package lands in the testing repos and
sooner or later in updates-proper
- the F-11 branch in CVS might not have the spec file that packages in
the F-11 everything repos are based on
- a bit of more work for me now in total; but it's a bit less when F-11
is actually shipped, which is a good thing, as there is often a lot to
do then anyway
+1. Sounds like a good idea all around to me.