2017-06-12 0:46 GMT+02:00 Sérgio Basto <sergio(a)serjux.com>:
Hello ,
I had updated
https://rpmfusion.org/Architectures .
First I hope you like my effort.
The goal was add table with links for repoview of new arches supported
by RPMFusion .
If someone want improve it, please go head and I'll be thankful.
Thx for your
improving the documentation. I've refreshed the ARM section.
I saw your topic on the Groups and repoview on the mailing lists.
As the key stone for us is to follow fedora when possible, I think the
long term goal would be to continue to deprecate Group in specs files
and drop repoview support once we have a replacement.
The current tool to browse packages in fedora is
https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages although bodhi can probably be
considered as a replacement for the update aspect.
The problem is that bodhi is very difficult to setup, so I don't see
this implemented anytime soon.
Any other idea ?
Nicolas (kwizart)