2009/3/4 Ralf Corsepius <rc040203(a)freenet.de>:
>> - Non deterministic system behavior
> Can you elaborate a little bit ?
Quite simple: Your *.so's suffer from different bugs than the version in
Fedora, your *.so's provide different features than the packages in Fedora
=> Different application behavior, function-wise and bugs-wise.
Whether you only replace the libs or even the applications doesn't matter
The only real difference is, when only replacing the *.so's you don't have
to care about consistency wrt. applications (installation paths, number of
applications etc.).
> Remember that wxsvg-freeworld have been rejected because the
> with_ffmpeg broke the ABI with ffmpeg_less version provided in fedora.
Do I understand correctly? RPMFusion has decided not provide the ffmpeg
enabled wxsvg?
That was the contrary actually, the ffmpeg_less version was cleaned
out from fedora to avoid replacement package problem.
According to wxsvg upstream, no project was using the ffmpeg_less
version. so rpmfusion provides the only wxsvg.
What shall I think of this?
I'm not one to tell others what
to think or not. I'm just saying that
replacement library should be avoided most, indeed.
But it shouldn't be necessary to move the whole Gnome Desktop
Environment to rpmfusion to have it full featured once it settles on
freetype-freeworld and etc.
If bugs are reported to the freetype component instead of
freetype-freeworld, that's an education issue, and that's not related
to any technical capabilities.
Now I'm kind of new to the specifics sub-pixel problem, Does the
patches were merged in freetype/cario/ upstream actually ?
Will the package work along with the version in rawhide ?
>> - Potential NEVR and file conflicts and "NEVR
> Possible.... Do you have cases studies ?
The kmods vs. akmod vs. kernel issues are such a case.
Indeed, but the kmod/akmod/kernel problems are enought different than
the -freeworld replacement mechanism that it prevent serious
comparison IMO.
Nicolas (kwizart)