Le dim. 2 oct. 2022 à 23:09, Zoltan Hanko <zhanko73(a)gmail.com> a écrit :
Since my last email there were 2 new nvidia drivers via rpmfusion and neither solved the
Currently rpmfusion is somehere at 515.76 and still does not work. (~Cause crash during
DaVinci resolve start, this used to work until 515.57 if I'm correc or maybe a bit
earlier version)
On the other hand I got confirmation this driver works with DaVinci resolve video edit
So I decided to remove the rpmfusion related rpm packages from my Fedora 35 and install
the most recent nvidia driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-515.76.run.
- I issued: dnf remove xorg-x11-drv-nvidia\*
- Then installed the same nvidia package (downloaded from
RESULT: And my Da Vinci Resolve sw stared fine.
- Then I did a cross-check. Removed nvidia (sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-515.76.run
- Re-installed from RPM fusion: sudo dnf install kmod-nvidia.
RESULT: DaVinci Resovle no longer was able to start.
Then removed again the rpmfusion packages (see command above) and installed via the
NVIDIA provided .sh file (sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-515.76.run)
RESULT: DaVincit Resolve starts again fine.
Can you report an issue to
bugzilla.rpmfusion.org with the output of
nvidia-bug-report.sh attached when the packaged driver is installed.
Also I don't have DaVinci software to reproduce... So I don't know how
to reproduce, but it doesn't mean the error isn't in the davinci...
Thanks in advance.