--- Comment #2 from Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak(a)> 2009-08-09 18:23:32 ---
Created an attachment (id=242)
--> (
Look up the library paths for RPM Fusion's VirtualBox-OSE correcty
1.) Make the package noarch. See, you're using /usr/lib, not %{_libdir}, so
that it won't be different on a 64-bit architecture
#this package can't be noarch, since it is using /usr/lib directory, so we have
to explicitly disable debuginfo package
%global debug_package %{nil}
2.) Adjust the packaging for python-VirtualBox-OSE
VirtualBox-OSE 3.0.4-2 contains the python- subpackage. It will be available
for Fedora 11 as well shortly.
Requires: VirtualBox-OSE >= 2.2.2
Requires: VirtualBox-OSE-devel >= 2.2.2
I've split off the Python bindings so that you don't have to depend on the
-devel package. Please require that instead. The require of VirtualBox-OSE
itself is useless, since it's depended on by python-.
Source1: VBoxGtk
Please don't modify PYTHONPATH. Look at the attached patch for how should we
look up the python modules and eventually send that upstream.
3.) Don't maximize the window.
#Patch1: start the main window maximized
This is something that should be left on window manager/user setting.
4.) Please upstream the desktop file validity fixes
Send that to the author and add a comment to the spec file.
#Patch0: fix the vboxgtk desktop file
5.) Please fix the description
Most of VirtualBox features are not supported,
and those that are will probably fail.
Were this true, this package could never be accepted. Please either drop this,
or replace it with description of the package _does_ instead of what it does
Also, please be careful to refer to VirtualBox OSE, not VirtualBox.
6.) Please use %find_lang
%lang(es) %{_datadir}/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/%{name}.mo
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