[Bug 718] New: Review Request: gns3 - Graphical network simulator
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Summary: Review Request: gns3 - Graphical network simulator
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: andrew(a)topdog.za.net
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
Blocks: 2
Estimated Hours: 0.0
Spec URL: http://www.topdog-software.com/oss/SRPMS/fedora/gns3/gns3.spec
Graphical network simulator that allows you to design complex
network topologies. You may run simulations or configure devices
ranging from simple workstations to powerful Cisco routers.
It uses Dynamips, an IOS emulator and PEMU, a PIX emulator which
allow users to run IOS and PIX binary images from Cisco Systems.
* rpmlint rpmbuild/RPMS/i586/gns3-0.6.1-1.fc11.i586.rpm
gns3.i586: E: no-binary
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 1 errors, 0 warnings.
- ignoring the error because this is written in python so does not contain any
* rpmlint rpmbuild/SRPMS/gns3-0.6.1-1.fc11.src.rpm
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings.
* rpmlint rpmbuild/SPECS/gns3.spec
0 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings.
This is my first rpmfusion package but i am a fedora package maintainer.
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8 years, 5 months
[Bug 2433] New: Review request: qmmp-plugin-pack-freeworld - A set of extra plugins for Qmmp
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 2433
Summary: Review request: qmmp-plugin-pack-freeworld - A set of
extra plugins for Qmmp
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: kvolny(a)redhat.com
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
Spec URL: http://kvolny.fedorapeople.org/qmmp-plugin-pack-freeworld.spec
Plugins for Qmmp from Qmmp Plugin Pack that cannot be included in Fedora.
* MPG123 - MPEG v1/2 layer1/2/3 decoder using of libmpg123 library
I guess the reason why not in Fedora is obvious after reading the Description
... mp3 stuff. The rest of the plugins was submitted into Fedora here:
rpmlint output:
[kvolny@kvolny SRPMS]$ rpmlint -i
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings.
[kvolny@kvolny x86_64]$ rpmlint -i
qmmp-plugin-pack-freeworld.x86_64: E: incorrect-fsf-address
The Free Software Foundation address in this file seems to be outdated or
misspelled. Ask upstream to update the address, or if this is a license file,
possibly the entire file with a new copy available from the FSF.
2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 1 errors, 0 warnings.
- I've asked Ilja via email to resolve the license issue upstream
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9 years
[Bug 2518] New: vdr-burn - DVD writing plugin for VDR
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 2518
Summary: vdr-burn - DVD writing plugin for VDR
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: mgansser(a)alice.de
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
Description :
This plugin enables VDR to write compliant DVDs from VDR recordings
while being able to control the process and to watch progress from
inside VDRs on-screen-display. If the selected recordings don't fit
the DVD, the video tracks are requantized (shrinked) automatically.
The created menus support multipage descriptions (in case the
recording summary exceeds one page).
rpmlint output:
rpmlint vdr-burn-0.2.0-1.fc18.src.rpm
vdr-burn.src: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US requantized ->
vdr-burn.src: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US shrinked -> shrieked,
shrink ed, shrink-ed
vdr-burn.src: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US multipage -> multistage
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 3 warnings.
rpmlint vdr-burn-0.2.0-1.fc18.x86_64.rpm
vdr-burn.x86_64: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US requantized ->
vdr-burn.x86_64: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US shrinked -> shrieked,
shrink ed, shrink-ed
vdr-burn.x86_64: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US multipage ->
vdr-burn.x86_64: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/vdr/data/burn/counters/standard
vdr-burn.x86_64: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/vdr/data/burn/counters vdr
vdr-burn.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink
vdr-burn.x86_64: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/vdr/data/burn vdr
vdr-burn.x86_64: W: dangerous-command-in-%post perl
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 8 warnings.
The link exists on a installed package vdr-burn:
ll /etc/vdr/plugins/burn/fonts/DejaVuLGCSans.ttf
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 41 Oct 7 19:55
/etc/vdr/plugins/burn/fonts/DejaVuLGCSans.ttf ->
The package is a update of the previous vdr-burn for fc17 from
There exists no bug report from vdr-burn so I have created a new bug review.
The package was marked as orphaned
Fedora|vdr-burn|DVD writing plugin for VDR|orphaned||
Configure bugmail: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
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9 years, 2 months
[Bug 2444] New: Review request: mp3fs - A dynamic MP encoding fuse file-system
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 2444
Summary: Review request: mp3fs - A dynamic MP encoding fuse
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: stuart(a)gathman.org
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
Blocks: 30
My first rpmfusion package submission (seeking a sponsor):
SPEC: http://spidey2.bmsi.com/linux/fc16/mp3fs.spec
SRPM: http://spidey2.bmsi.com/linux/fc16/mp3fs-0.32-1.fc16.src.rpm
MP3FS is a read-only FUSE file-system which trans-codes audio formats
FLAC) to MP3 on the fly when opened and read. This was written to enable me to
use my FLAC collection with software and/or hardware which only understands
MP3. e.g. "GMediaServer" to a Netgear MP101 mp3 player.
It is also a novel alternative to traditional mp3 encoder applications. Just
use your favorite file browser to select the files you want encoded and copy
them somewhere!
This package cannot be part of Fedora because it uses MP3 encoding, which is
$ rpmlint ../RPMS/i686/mp3fs*0.32* ../SRPMS/*0.32* *spec
mp3fs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
mp3fs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
mp3fs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
mp3fs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
3 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 4 errors, 0 warnings.
Configure bugmail: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
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10 years, 1 month
[Bug 2429] New: Review request: gens-gs - Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and Sega 32X emulator
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 2429
Summary: Review request: gens-gs - Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and
Sega 32X emulator
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: alexjnewt(a)hotmail.com
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
Gens/GS is a Sega Mega Drive emulator derived from Gens and maintained by
GerbilSoft. Project goals include clean source code, combined features from
various developments of Gens, and improved platform portability.
Why it's not in Fedora: Emulators of video game systems seem to have legal
This should be eligible for free, rather than non-free. I don't quite
understand why gens is in non-free, but gens-gs is GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+,
requiring nothing that is non-free, or at least to my knowledge.
RPMLINT OUTPUT (all seem negligible):
gens-gs.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs.i686: W: no-manual-page-for-binary mdp_test
gens-gs.i686: W: no-manual-page-for-binary gens
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
gens-gs-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
3 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 17 errors, 2 warnings.
Configure bugmail: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
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10 years, 2 months
[Bug 2319] New: vdr-markad - Advanced commercial detection for VDR
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 2319
Summary: vdr-markad - Advanced commercial detection for VDR
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: mgansser(a)alice.de
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
MarkAd marks advertisements in VDR recordings.
Spec URL:
rpmlint output:
rpmlint vdr-markad-0.1.3-1.20120310git.fc17.x86_64.rpm
vdr-markad.x86_64: I: enchant-dictionary-not-found en_US
vdr-markad.x86_64: W: unstripped-binary-or-object
vdr-markad.x86_64: W: unstripped-binary-or-object /usr/bin/markad
vdr-markad.x86_64: W: non-standard-uid /etc/vdr/plugins/markad vdr
vdr-markad.x86_64: W: non-standard-uid
/usr/share/locale/sk_SK/LC_MESSAGES/vdr-markad.mo vdr
vdr-markad.x86_64: W: non-standard-uid
/usr/share/locale/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/vdr-markad.mo vdr
vdr-markad.x86_64: W: non-standard-uid
/usr/share/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/vdr-markad.mo vdr
vdr-markad.x86_64: W: non-standard-uid
/usr/share/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/vdr-markad.mo vdr
vdr-markad.x86_64: W: non-standard-uid
/usr/share/locale/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/vdr-markad.mo vdr
vdr-markad.x86_64: W: no-manual-page-for-binary markad
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 9 warnings.
Configure bugmail: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
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10 years, 9 months
[Bug 2577] New: Review request: pithos - A native Linux client for Pandora
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 2577
Summary: Review request: pithos - A native Linux client for
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: greg.hellings(a)gmail.com
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
Spec file: http://dl.thehellings.com/pithos/pithos.spec
SRPM file: http://dl.thehellings.com/pithos/pithos-20121123-1.fc17.src.rpm
Description: Pithos is a native Pandora Radio client for Linux. It's much more
lightweight than the Pandora.com web client, and integrates with desktop
features such as media keys, notifications, and the sound menu.
Ineligible for Fedora: relies on gstreamer-plugins-bad for codecs which are no
provided in gstreamer-plugins-bad-free
$ rpmlint results_pithos/20121123/1.fc17/pithos-20121123-1.fc17.*rpm
pithos.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary pithos
pithos.src: W: invalid-url Source0: pithos-20121123.tar.xz
2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 2 warnings.
no-manual-page-for-binary pithos --- Ignored because none is provided by
invalid-url Source0 --- Ignored because upstream does not make tarball releases
This is my first RPM Fusion package. I am a Fedora packager.
Configure bugmail: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
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10 years, 11 months