orphaning mame-data-extras
by Julian Sikorski
Dear all,
please be advised that I am orphaning mame-data-extras. This package has
become too much of a burden to maintain with monthly mame releases one
one hand and various files included in it lagging behind the mame
releases on the other. Not to mention that it was in violation of
code-vs-content guideline.
I will be putting a dead.package in devel branch in about a week from now.
Best regards,
9 years, 3 months
One RPM Fusion mail list issue is fixed
by Nicolas Chauvet
I just want to advertise that one infrastructure issue with email sent from
rpmfusion.org have been fixed.This will lead to emails from our domain not
be taken as SPAM with some provider (such as gmail).
As a side note, I might not have seen every emails that you expect me to
see, you might need to reply. All emails should have been received by
mailman are kept.
Nicolas (kwizart)
9 years, 3 months
RPM Fusion (Fedora - nonfree) Package Build Report 2015-11-13
by rpmfusion-pkgs-report@rpmfusion.org
Packages built and released for RPM Fusion (Fedora - nonfree) 21: 4
Packages built and released for RPM Fusion (Fedora - nonfree) testing/21: 2
Changes in RPM Fusion (Fedora - nonfree) 21:
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 1:15.9-2.3
- Rebuilt for kernel
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 304.128-2.1
- Rebuilt for kernel
* Sun Oct 11 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 304.128-2
- Bump for akmod
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 1:340.93-2.1
- Rebuilt for kernel
* Sun Oct 11 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 1:340.93-2
- Bump for akmod
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 1:355.11-3.3
- Rebuilt for kernel
Changes in RPM Fusion (Fedora - nonfree) testing/21:
* Tue Nov 10 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 23.0-1
- Update to 23.0
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> -
- Rebuilt for kernel
9 years, 3 months
RPM Fusion (Fedora - free) Package Build Report 2015-11-13
by rpmfusion-pkgs-report@rpmfusion.org
Packages built and released for RPM Fusion (Fedora - free) 21: 5
Packages built and released for RPM Fusion (Fedora - free) testing/21: 2
Changes in RPM Fusion (Fedora - free) 21:
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 10:21-43
- rebuild for kernel 4.1.12-101.fc21
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 1.59-10.3
- Rebuilt for kernel
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 4.1.4-1.7
- Rebuilt for kernel
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 4.3.32-1.1
- Rebuilt for kernel
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 2.9-1.1
- Rebuilt for kernel
Changes in RPM Fusion (Fedora - free) testing/21:
* Mon Nov 09 2015 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069(a)gmail.com> - 2.6.10-2
- Fix bug introduced while debugging FTBFS problem. Fixes RFBZ#3830.
* Tue Nov 10 2015 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)gmail.com> - 23.0-1
- Update to 23.0
9 years, 3 months
Rebuilding xmltv for F23
by James .
I'm new to the list so I can't reply to the previous thread, I wanted to get a mention in for including xmltv (https://github.com/rpmfusion/xmltv/) in the Fedora 23 rebuild previously mentioned.
It has a dependency on a matching version of Perl so at the moment none of the myth* packages can not be installed as the one for F22 doesn't match this requirement. I rebuilt it locally and it worked fine without any change to the spec file.
9 years, 3 months
Introducing myself
by Stephen Herr
Hi everyone,
I'm new to contributing to RPMFusion. I am behind the package review
request for pianobar, a terminal Pandora client.
I'm not new to creating RPMs and am a member of the Fedora GIT Commit
Group, but I'm not sure if I need a sponsor in RPMFusion or not. I believe
I have completed all the pieces of the RPM submission process that I can at
the moment, so I'm just waiting for a reviewer to take a look.
Pleased to be here!
9 years, 3 months
What is missing for f23 readyness ?
by Nicolas Chauvet
I would like theses two tasks to be picked by others.
There is a number of packages that need to be rebuilt as they wasn't
updated for f23 "mass rebuilt" specially because of c++ ABI changes. If
someone can bring me a list I will submit them for rebuild next week.
Also few packages and libraries was not updated to their latest upstream or
matching their fedora counterpart (faac, audacity-freeworld, etc). I would
like to have maintainers contact provenpackager (that have access to the
git preview repo) so they can fetch the update of theses packages.
Best would be to make a general review of missing updates.
That would help me to concentrate on infra tasks.
Then it will be possible to introduce new packages that will be git only
(to answear the question from Mohamed).
Nicolas (kwizart)
9 years, 3 months
RPM Fusion (Fedora - free) Package Build Report 2015-11-09
by rpmfusion-pkgs-report@rpmfusion.org
Packages built and released for RPM Fusion (Fedora - free) 21: 3
Changes in RPM Fusion (Fedora - free) 21:
* Tue Jun 16 2015 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069(a)gmail.com> - 2.6.10-1
- Update to latest upstream release.
- Disable GTK interface as it is unmaintained and does not build.
* Sun Nov 01 2015 Antonio Trande <sagitter(a)fedoraproject.org> - 2.6-0.6.alpha1
- Hardened builds on <F23
* Wed Jul 29 2015 Richard Shaw <hobbes1069(a)gmail.com> - 0.27-5-1
- Update to latest upstream release.
9 years, 3 months