[Bug 2150] New: Review request: geom - SALOME Geometry Module
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 2150
Summary: Review request: geom - SALOME Geometry Module
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: kmilos(a)gmail.com
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
SPEC: http://kmilos.fedorapeople.org/geom.spec
SRPM: http://kmilos.fedorapeople.org/geom-
A complete OpenCascade - OCAF based CAD framework. Note that this is not the
original SALOME GEOM project but an effort to create a standalone framework
based on the existing one from SALOME project, with the addition of extra
This package can not be included in Fedora because it links with the non-free
OCE library.
This is my first RPM Fusion package, however I packaged for Fedora before
rpmlint output:
rpmlint geom*.rpm
geom.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom.src: W: invalid-url Source0: geom-
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-debuginfo.i686: E: incorrect-fsf-address
geom-devel.i686: W: no-documentation
5 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 38 errors, 2 warnings.
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7 years, 5 months
[Bug 2804] New: Review Request: jvgs - Minimalistic platform game loosely based on xkcd webcomic
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 2804
Summary: Review Request: jvgs - Minimalistic platform game
loosely based on xkcd webcomic
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: paulo.cesar.pereira.de.andrade(a)gmail.com
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
Spec URL: http://pcpa.fedorapeople.org/jvgs.spec
SRPM URL: http://pcpa.fedorapeople.org/jvgs-0.5.1-1.fc20.src.rpm
Description: This game takes place in a world much like ours, which has started
fading away. At a point where nearly everything has gone, a poet
finds himself, alone in a strange world of danger. He starts a journey
along the broken stream of thoughts that's left.
The package is not eligible for fedora because the sound track is
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license;
The Non-Commercial is the problem. It works if stripping the sound
from the installation, but I believe that removes most of the
game experience, and requiring the user to download the sound track
is too much overhead for the user also giving the user could just
enable rpmfusion for other similar content.
Last run of fedora-review on it can be found at:
This is still my first attempt of getting a package in rpmfusion.
Previously I cancelled 0ad and nvidia-texture-tools requests
because it ended up being approved for Fedora; some of my first
Fedora contributions...
Configure bugmail: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
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7 years, 5 months
[Bug 2838] New: "Review request: lttng-modules - LTTng 2.x kernel tracer modules"
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 2838
Summary: "Review request: lttng-modules - LTTng 2.x kernel
tracer modules"
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: yannick.brosseau(a)gmail.com
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
This is my first packages on RPM Fusion (I'm a fedora packager). They cannot go
in fedora, since they are kernel modules.
SPEC: http://www.dorsal.polymtl.ca/~ybrosseau/fedora/kernel/lttng-modules.spec
The LTTng project aims at providing highly efficient tracing tools for Linux.
Its tracers help tracking down performance issues and debugging problems
involving multiple concurrent processes and threads. Tracing across multiple
systems is also possible.
This package contains the LTTng kernel modules. These provide
the ring buffer library and the kernel tracer itself
rpmlint output:
[scientist@fedora rpmbuild]$ rpmlint SPECS/lttng-modules.spec
0 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings.
[scientist@fedora rpmbuild]$ rpmlint
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings.
[scientist@fedora rpmbuild]$ rpmlint
lttng-modules.x86_64: E: no-binary
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 1 errors, 0 warnings.
Configure bugmail: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
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7 years, 5 months
[Bug 3953] New: Review request: dwarffortress - A single-player procedurally generated fantasy game
by RPM Fusion Bugzilla
Bug #: 3953
Summary: Review request: dwarffortress - A single-player
procedurally generated fantasy game
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Package Reviews
Version: Current
Platform: All
OS/Version: GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P5
Component: Review Request
AssignedTo: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
ReportedBy: rosser.bjr(a)gmail.com
CC: rpmfusion-package-review(a)rpmfusion.org
Source URL:
Description: Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a
dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world.
Although Dwarf Fortress is still in a work in progress, many features have
already been implemented.
Dwarf Fortress is free to redistribute, but is not open source.
Why rpmfusion(-nonfree): Dwarf Fortress is not open source, so cannot be
included in Fedora. However, there is an open source component (the graphics
library) that should be compiled and linked against the system libraries
(rather than the bundled ones included in the download).
Other comments:
This work is mostly based on the work done for Arch Linux (see
As I mentioned on the list, this is my first rpmfusion package, but I *am* a
sponsored Fedora packager.
Since then, I've updated the spec for the newest upstream release of DF and
also broken up the archive; rather than place it in /opt, I've opted to put the
"binaries" into %_libexecdir and the data into %_datadir. The "dwarffortress"
script originally written for Arch Linux has been adjusted; it creates a DF
installation in ~/.dwarffortress from these locations and then executes out of
there, using symlinks.
Another thing to please note is that the package only builds on i686 so I have
made use of the "ExclusiveArch" tag.
rpmlint output:
[bjr@irune SPECS]$ rpmlint ../RPMS/i686/dwarffortress-0.42.05-3.fc22.i686.rpm
dwarffortress.i686: W: spelling-error Summary(en_US) procedurally -> procedural
dwarffortress.i686: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US dwarven -> warden
dwarffortress.i686: W: invalid-license Dwarf Fortress
dwarffortress.i686: E: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath
/usr/libexec/dwarffortress/Dwarf_Fortress ['$ORIGIN']
dwarffortress.i686: W: unstripped-binary-or-object
dwarffortress.i686: W: no-manual-page-for-binary dwarffortress
[bjr@irune SPECS]$ rpmlint
dwarffortress.src: W: spelling-error Summary(en_US) procedurally -> procedural
dwarffortress.src: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US dwarven -> warden
dwarffortress.src: W: invalid-license Dwarf Fortress
dwarffortress.src:45: W: macro-in-comment %{buildroot}
dwarffortress.src:77: W: macro-in-comment %{_libdir}
dwarffortress.src:77: W: macro-in-comment %{buildroot}
dwarffortress.src:77: W: macro-in-comment %{optdir}
Of these, I think the main objections that aren't spelling errors or comments
-The rpath/unstripped binary error/warning. Dwarf_Fortress is the actual
"binary" that is closed-source; I don't think we can do anything about this.
-The license. Is there a specific way I should reference a custom license? The
Dwarf Fortress license text is as follows:
"Copyright (c) 2002-2012. All rights are retained by Tarn Adams, save the
following: you may redistribute the binary and accompanying files, unmodified,
provided you do so free of charge. If you'd like to distribute a modified
version of the game or portion of the archive and are worried about copyright
infringement, please contact Tarn Adams at toadyone(a)bay12games.com.
This software is still in development, and this means that there are going to
be problems, including serious problems that, however unlikely, might damage
your system or the information stored on it. Please be aware of this before
For testing purposes a RPM repository is available here:
https://www.acm.jhu.edu/~bjr/fedora/dwarffortress/ (along with the public GPG
key). I've tested these packages on both Fedora 22 and Fedora 23.
Configure bugmail: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
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7 years, 5 months