just thought I write down a rough list of things that I plan to do
RPM Fusion over the next couple of weeks. I'm sending it here in the
hope that some people help me with some of those task; then we hopefully
get RPM Fusion running quite soon.
Here is a updated version; most important things at the top of the list;
not all of the points necessarily have to be done, but ideally they all
get done; if I missed anything just tell me ;-)
- get the mirror manager that adrianr put in place (see
listed as
mirrors.rpmfusion.org in DNS;
* adrianr: IP address
* thias: DNS update
Afterwards update rpmfusion-release packages accordingly.
- get the remaining packages from dribble and livna into the repo and
eveything fixed up; latest status can be found here:
- start importing and building the packages from freshrpms; I can do
that, but I want to get the ACK from thias first; especially as
http://rpmfusion.org/InitialPackageMerge likely is not fully up to date
Having a list of packages that are ready for importing would help things
a lot
- someone should run dep checks (e.g. for F8, F9 rawhide; once with only
free and once with both free and nonfree enabled); I suspect that some
problems will be found that way
- check that the upgrade path from Livna -> RPM Fusion is sane for each
package in each of the supported Fedora releases (I did a rough check on
F9; looks good, but there are some packages still missing; maybe we can
ignore those for now, as some of them are broken in livna, so it's not
much of a difference)
- get the dep checker script from Fedora Extras/EPEL in place and let it
automatically run after each successful push; if possible without to
much work get upgradecheck running as well (Xavier is working on it afaik)
- make sure all the kernel-modules from freshrpms are converted to
kmods; also make sure all the update path for frehsrpms dkms users to
akmods work
- prepare a announcement mail
- put rpmfusion-release packages into livna-testing repos for F-8 and
F-9 to move all the testing users over
- move packages from testing -> stable for F-8 and F-9; build new
rpmfusion-release packages that have the testing repo disabled!
- put rpmfusion-release packages into livna repos for F-8 and F-9 to
move all the users over
- announce
- vacation
= not that important =
- in parallel to all the above: work further on getting the crucial
packages into the EL repo for RPM Fusion (
). Libmp4v2 (needed by faad2) is still blocking that work right now;
- test if current comps.xml stuff works on rawhide-anaconda; if yes then
convert comps.xml from nonfree as well; details:
- are the nvidia bits sane? There were some mails about the 177series,
but seems some questions were not answered yet
= End =
That's round about it from the top of my head. Did I miss anything?
Likely, but I think I'm optimistic that I got the most important things
on the list :-)
Help for all the remaining tasks much appreciated. The mroe help, the
quicker we can start RPM Fusion for real.