On 10/06/2009 12:03 PM, Matthias Saou wrote:
> Last night, I made some DNS configuration changes using Gandi's web
> interface. I shouldn't have touched rpmfusion.* domains, but I somehow
> managed to do so (I honestly don't know how, though), and pointed
rpmfusion.org to a wrong zone file.
> Someone notified me a few minutes ago about this by IM since I hadn't
> yet checked my emails for today, and it's now fixed.
Is it?
For me,
www.rpmfusion.org seems to work again, but
download1.rpmfusion.org and
still don't.
DNS delays showing their effect or is there still something broken?
DNS seems to be working again and after a restart of httpd I see lots of
people accessing the mirrorlist again. So that part looks good again
from here.