Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> just thought I write down a rough list of things that I plan to do for
> RPM Fusion over the next couple of weeks. I'm sending it here in the
> hope that some people help me with some of those task; then we
> hopefully get RPM Fusion running quite soon.
Here is a updated version; most important things at the top of the list;
not all of the points necessarily have to be done, but ideally they all
get done; if I missed anything just tell me ;-)
As Fedora 10 is creeping closer and closer I would really like to see us go
live sooner rather then later, so I would like to suggest to sort this list in
SHOULD and MUST fix before going live items
- get the mirror manager that adrianr put in place (see
listed as in DNS;
* adrianr: IP address
* thias: DNS update
Afterwards update rpmfusion-release packages accordingly.
As we have old style mirrorlists in place on right now,
and as this needs Thias, who seems to have dropped of the radar, I think this
- get the remaining packages from dribble and livna into the repo and
eveything fixed up; latest status can be found here:
I've send a reply to test outlining which things are must fix and which things
are should fix (IMHO). As always with any package build failures, if anyone
needs any help just ask and I'll gladly help.
- start importing and building the packages from freshrpms; I can do
that, but I want to get the ACK from thias first; especially as likely is not fully up to date
Having a list of packages that are ready for importing would help things
a lot
First of all for moving livna (and dribble) user over, which is our first big
step I think, this is a SHOULD FIX.
I think it would be good to have freshrpms packages not in livna/dribble in
rpmfusion no matter what, so I think it would be good to start working on this
as time permits without waiting for input from Thias. If you encounter any non
trivial buildfailures let me know and I'll gladly help.
- someone should run dep checks (e.g. for F8, F9 rawhide; once with
free and once with both free and nonfree enabled); I suspect that some
problems will be found that way
This has just been done I believe, MUST FIX
- check that the upgrade path from Livna -> RPM Fusion is sane for
package in each of the supported Fedora releases (I did a rough check on
F9; looks good, but there are some packages still missing; maybe we can
ignore those for now, as some of them are broken in livna, so it's not
much of a difference)
AFAIK we have (used to have?) some automated scripts for this in Fedora, maybe
we can use those ?
- get the dep checker script from Fedora Extras/EPEL in place and let
automatically run after each successful push; if possible without to
much work get upgradecheck running as well (Xavier is working on it afaik)
- make sure all the kernel-modules from freshrpms are converted to
kmods; also make sure all the update path for frehsrpms dkms users to
akmods work
- prepare a announcement mail
- put rpmfusion-release packages into livna-testing repos for F-8 and
F-9 to move all the testing users over
- move packages from testing -> stable for F-8 and F-9; build new
rpmfusion-release packages that have the testing repo disabled!
- put rpmfusion-release packages into livna repos for F-8 and F-9 to
move all the users over
- announce
- vacation
Whats that ?